Monday, June 4, 2018

Labors of Love

When you're pregnant with your first baby, you have so much ambition and ideas of things you are going to do and be when you have your kids.  It doesn't take long after actually becoming a mother to realize that most of those things are never going to happen.  Some things, however, you do stick with-whether because you really enjoy it or because you accidentally rope yourself into it.  For me, mostly it's the latter.   One of those things I've stuck with has been making a baby quilt for each of my babies. 

When I was pregnant with Colton and all bright eyed, I loved the idea of making something special from me for each of my babies.  I was excited to make one for Colton and enjoyed doing it.  However, let's just say that, with each child, the excitement levels about making a quilt have dropped lower and lower. 

With Madison, I put off making the blanket clear up until I was 8 months pregnant.  I knew I NEEDED to do it.  I WANTED her to have something from me and I couldn't very well make a blanket for my first three kids and not my fourth, but the desire to actually do it was pretty low.  I am not a great sewer and these blanket projects take me much longer than they should and have more mistakes than I wish they did.  It's also just so hard to find time to do these projects the more kids I have!  When I was about 8 months pregnant, Jon came to a busy few weeks at work and was getting home late each evening.  This finally gave me a little motivation to use the time after kids were in bed to make Madison's blanket. 

I wouldn't say that I have totally loved making all of these blankets, or even that my kids have all loved the blankets I've made them, but I AM glad that I stuck with it.  I'm glad that each of my kids have something special from their mom.  They may not be the best or most professional blankets, but they are my little labors of love for my babies. 

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