Sunday, January 5, 2020

Christmas Pictures 2019

I love this tradition we have of taking pictures of our kids in their Christmas outfits in front of the Christmas tree every year!  Sure, its always a bit of a headache trying to figure out when the best time is to do it, and everyone all looking nice at the same time, and figuring out how to get kids to look at the camera at the same time, but I love to look back at them and remember my babies at each Christmas!  My main thoughts for this year were, 1-Katie has grown up so much this year! 2- Madi is very tricky to get to cooperate.  3- I feel very blessed to have to kiddos in my life! 
Here are the pictures for 2019!
Colton: 8 Years Old
Katie: 6 Years Old
Zach: 4 Years Old
Madi: 18 Months Old