Sunday, August 30, 2020

My Oldest Turns 9!

Planning a birthday amid Covid-19 is tricky!  Colton really wanted to have a party but I wasn't sure what we would be able to pull off with all of the social distancing and restrictions on group gatherings, and just the general fear and uncertainty out there.  I decided to start with thinking of something he loves: animals/reptiles.  Then I decided to reach out to others in the community of Facebook and see if anyone knew of anyone or a place who had some animals or reptiles that they would bring to my house for a small birthday gathering.  I had a mom message me saying that her 15 year old son had a whole bunch and that he loved to share them!   

We decided to go with this plan and it ended up working out great!  Colton just had his two buddies from the street come over, Cason and Oliver, and his siblings.  We cleaned out the garage and set everything up in there.  It was a really hot day so we had to set up some fans and things too!   The boy brought several turtles, frogs,lizards, toads, a large tortoise, a snake, and a ferret.  The kids loved them all! (Probably a little too much....I was a little nervous they were going to scare them!)

After playing with the animals, we had cupcakes and pumpkin pie- at Colton's request!  He said it was like the best party he had ever had! It was fun to be able to make the day special and let him enjoy things he loves, despite the craziness in the world! 

Colton at NINE

Colton is such a smart kid.  His imagination is incredible and he is constantly using it!  His mind works a mile a minute!  He has made up and created card and board games for the family to play, he likes to make his own comic books, he creates "movies" with his toys in his room, and he builds legos and creates new creatures with leftover parts.  He loves anything science oriented- especially if it has to do with fossils, dinosaurs, crystals, gems, etc.  He got a crystal-growing kit from a friend last year when we moved from Davenport and he has read through all of the experiments and instructions multiple times and we have done a few of them.  He always gets really into each experiment and the minute to minute progress.  After begging and begging, we finally bought a caterpillar kit and he loved every minute of it.  He got really excited telling everyone about his caterpillars, drawing pictures of them, documenting their every stage, watching them grow, watching them create chrysalis's, watching them emerge as butterflies, finding out what to feed and how to take care of the butterflies, and then letting them go.  One of the butterflies died and is made him really sad.  We had to bury it in our flowers and say goodbye for him to feel better. 

He loves to help me bake and write down recipes.  He loves to read- but only when it is a book of his choice.  He does not like to write and usually tries to make Katie do all of his writing for him when he is making a story or comic book.  He loves to be funny and be the center of attention.  He is always looking for a good joke to tell.  

He has gotten really into Pokemon over the last year and is always trying to earn and save money to buy more cards.  He created a "Pokemon Club" with his buddy Cason and they color their own pokemon cards and pictures, trade, create stories, etc.  

Likes: Learning, Science, dinosaurs, minecraft, pokemon, nature walks, discovering thing, fishing, catching frogs, snacks, movies, captain underpants, fresh tomatoes, goldfish, peanut butter, mashed potatoes, cheesburgers, tacos, swimming, crystals/gems, muffins

Dislikes: Haircuts, tomato soup, anything spicy, being told what to do, chores, being outside when it's hot, hamburgers 


Food: Pancakes, Chicken Tacos

Color: Blue

Sport/Activity: Playing Soccer goalie against dad, bike riding

Hobby: Crafting

Season: Spring- because it has a lot of new animals and he can plant things

Dessert: Reeses Pieces

Vacation:  NC Carolina Beach Trip with friends (August 2020)

Animal: Komodo Dragon

Book Series: Captain Underpants (much to my chagrin) 

Movie: Walking With Dinosaurs

When Colton grows up he wants to be a ZOOKEEPER!

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