Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Holidays

With the busyness and stress of moving, the holidays this year were a bit unique for us.  We weren't able to do all of our typical traditions or celebrate in the ways we usually do, but we still did our best to enjoy them and make them fun.  Note to self for the future though, moving over the holidays was not so fun.  Avoid it if possible!


We didn't want to travel because we needed to spend most of our Thanksgiving break deep cleaning our house and working on projects to get it show ready!   Thankfully, we were lucky enough to be invited over to a friends house for Thanksgiving!  It was wonderful because it took a ton of the stress off and allowed us to enjoy the day without worrying about the clean-up afterwards or traveling.  Our good friends, the Klemetsons invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner as well as our friends from our first time living in Davenport, the Larsen's-who drove from Lincoln, NE to celebrate with us!  It was a lot of fun getting together with friends and catching up.  I always love potluck Thanksgivings because it gives me a chance to taste and sample other peoples recipes for the Thanksgiving foods and get new ideas and recipes!  

We got a huge snow storm the weekend of Thanksgiving break.  It was over a foot of snow that fell on us!  Church was cancelled that Sunday and school was cancelled Monday and we all had fun playing in the snow and enjoying the extra long break!  It also gave us the opportunity to sit down and take a quick family picture.  I was wanting to get professional pictures taken this year but with moving we just ran out of time.  So, instead, we just took some pictures in our front room so we could at least have a decent picture of all six of us for family and to put on our Christmas cards.  

Putting up the tree- always something we do over Thanksgiving break!

A new ornament this year!  One for each of my babies :)

Christmas List- Another tradition for Thanksgiving break!  Zach insisted on coloring his entire thing- a bit of a phase he's going through.  


We wanted to spend as much time with family as possible over Christmas and we also had a photographer coming in to take pictures of our house to put it on the market over the break, so we worked really hard and got our house totally show-ready before we left.  We also had packing to do so December was very very busy and tiring!  It was also super busy because I was in charge of our Ward Christmas Party on Dec. 8th so I wasn't able to focus on anything to do with moving until that was over.  We did a 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' Theme and had everyone wear pajamas.  We had the YW do program, and I wrote a spiritual 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' Poem that we had a member of the bishopric read and then we sang some songs.  I didn't tell anyone (besides my friend Hannah, who told a couple other people) that I wrote it because that's embarrassing I and felt like it would be more powerful to leave it anonymous. I thought it went over pretty well!  I mean, I'm no professional poet, but I used to really enjoy writing so it was kind-of fun to pull out and brush off those skills again a little bit.  It was a busy night, and I wouldn't say it was the best Christmas Party I've ever done, but I think everyone had fun so I'll call that a win! 

Again, it was a bit of a bummer that with everything going on we were so busy that we were left with little time for any fun Christmas activities or my traditional White Elephant party.  It was also a bummer that, because we were just going to have to clean it all up again before we left, we weren't able to put up many decorations.  We put up a lightly decorated tree and our stockings and that's it.  Jon and I are huge Christmas lovers so it was hard not to be sad about that!  Did I mention that moving over Christmas stinks? 

Ward Christmas Party

Decorating Gingerbread Men

We were able to pull off getting things done and we headed up to MN Friday the 28th- driving both cars to Des Moines first and then leaving Jon's (packed with stuff) and driving together up to Rochester.  We had a good time with family there, as we always do.  Jon's sister Amberly and her family flew in from Utah and it was fun to have them there.  There wasn't enough snow for sledding this year so that was a little bummer but oh well!  We still enjoyed some good chatting, movie watching, cousin time, and shopping around town! 

Christmas Day was lots of fun!  We had good food, lots of presents, and lot of family.  The kids were all excited about their presents and it's so fun to experience Christmas through your kids' eyes!  

New Years Eve/ New Years Day:

We spent all of December 31st moving into our apartment in Ankeny and running around taking care of things!  It was exhausting.  We didn't plan to do much for New Years Eve since so much was going on and we were so tired, but last minute we ran out and grabbed a few hats and blowers and food for chocolate fondue.  It wasn't quite as extravagant as our usual celebrations, but it was fun that we were still able to pull off a couple of our traditions.  

Overall, it wasn't the most fun holiday season we've ever had, but we still managed to have a pretty good time.  We are just grateful we could all be together, spend time with family, and make memories together.  We are, however, super looking forward to celebrating the holidays next year without having to move at the same time!  

Colton spend most of New Years Eve/Day working on this gift he got for Christmas.  He got to paint and the build, with real screws and tools, his own tractor!  He loved it!

Twas the Night Before Christmas by: Emmalee Day
‘Twas the night before Christmas
in old Bethlehem
not a creature was stirring 
not oxen, nor lamb.

Good Joseph held Mary
gently with care
knowing the baby 
soon would be there.

The shepherds were watching
their flocks in the night
beneath brilliant rays
from a new star so bright.

When what to their wondering 
eyes should appear
but an Angel proclaiming 
the Christ child was here. 

More angels came 
filling the sky throughout 
The Glory of God
shone round about. 

Hallelujah, Good Tidings
on earth did they sing-
Great joy to all men
the Savior will bring.

“Let us go find the babe,”
the shepherds made haste
to Bethlehem’s stable
not a moment did waste.

And there in a manger
on a bed of soft hay
the sweet baby Jesus 
In holiness lay.

His face shone with glory
His presence spoke peace
all felt that His love
never would cease.

The sign of His coming
that heavenly star
brought others to praise Him
wise men from afar.

They brought gifts for the baby
gold, frankincense, myrrh
but finding their King
was the greatest treasure. 

As Christmas approaches
each year after year 
we too can find Jesus
we, too, need not fear.

His love never faileth 
His joy fills all hearts
He comforts and heals 
and never departs.

This season of giving
when hope fills the air
Let us celebrate Jesus
Let us find ways to share
His message of peace
His love and His light-

Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night! 

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