Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our DAY-ly Life Begins...

SO, I decided to blog. I've been thinking about it for awhile and procrastinating big time, but I decided today to take the plunge and get started. I have been really bad at keeping track of all the goings-on in our life and I'm afraid I'm going to forget stuff! So, here we are. I want to kind of have the blog start from the time Jon and I met, but seeing as that was four years ago, I'm going to have to do a little catch up. My plan over the next few weeks is to blog, every other day or so, one of the big events that has taken place over the last few years and hopefully I'll catch up fast! Wish me luck!


  1. So excited! I love your haircut, super cute!

  2. I love reading other people's blogs! So fun!

  3. So excited to be able to keep up on your family's life. By the way, I LOVE your hair. So adorable. I guess Colton's pretty cute too. ;)
