Wednesday, March 24, 2021

33 for Me!

 This February I turned 33!  It was a chilly day, as per the norm in Iowa, but I was greeted with a beautiful wintery morning with frost all over the trees.  Beautiful mornings like that almost make seemingly endless winters feel worth it!  

I bought myself an icecream cake from Dairy Queen and Jon got me an entry table and a Del Parsons picture I've always loved!  I also had a couple friends stop by and bring me a couple of small gifts.  It was a nice day.  

I was able to get together with my good friends Natalie, Melanie, Emily, Ann, and Christina at Olive Garden for dinner the day before my birthday.  I was almost afraid it wasn't going to happen because of a big snow storm that blew in.  It turned out not being quite as bad as predicted, however, and thankfully we were all able to get together and enjoy some Italian yumminess!  Most restaurants are open now at limited capacity.  They usually require facemasks except for when you are sitting at your table eating.  I'm not really sure how wearing a facemask when you walk in helps anything if you are still taking them off to eat, but oh well.  I'm just glad they are open again!